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1above store reporting

What features to look for in an above store reporting solution


Remember the old days when running a QSR meant managing people and inventory with just a few numbers and an awful lot of intuition? Now, we have so many tools to help optimize those processes that just about all aspects of a QSR are connected to computers and some very specific numbers. In fact, there may be too many numbers to analyze at once, which is why above-store reporting is becoming so popular.

Above store reporting allows you to analyze your most important numbers all on one dashboard. Different reporting solutions offer different features, so it’s important to understand which numbers are most vital to making your restaurant more efficient and profitable.

Here are seven key features your above store reporting should include.

Cloud access

You and your team are constantly on the go. A cloud-based solution means your data is available when and where you need it. Each day, this feature will make your life a little easier, which makes it a must-have.

Multiple account levels and access options

Not every employee needs access to every report or the power to add, delete, or change things on your system. It’s critical to find a solution that lets you grant access permissions for each user to control what they can and can’t see and what they can and can’t do.

Consistent data formats across multiple brands

When your reporting is standardized across your brands, it makes it easier to understand, analyze, and use in your business decisions. This is a huge time-saver and also makes it easier to align your goals across your organization. When everyone is on the same page, things just work better.

Accessible across devices

Work isn’t just done on a computer anymore. Expect your team to access your above store reporting solutions from tablets and smartphones, too. This will allow them to share data directly with your frontline employees and get them more engaged with their work. The more responsive your solution is to all digital platforms, the simpler it becomes to connect all levels of your organization to your operational data.

Easy-to-use and easy-to-read reporting

Your reports can have a powerful effect on your team. Being able to easily export, edit, and comment on reports related to sales, inventory, speed, and labor will make your above store reporting infinitely more useful.

Report subscriptions

Some tools allow you to subscribe to certain reports so they’re automatically generated and sent to your inbox. For example, a restaurant owner could receive a daily overview report, as well as more specific monthly reports. The fact that these reports are sent right to your inbox means you’re more likely to see each report, capture those insights, and reap the benefits. Plus, you’ll save yourself the time and effort of generating reports yourself.

Lots of configuration options

Configuration options let you see your data in a new light, which can give you very useful insights. Make sure the solution you choose lets you compare different metrics across multiple periods of time. This will also let you customize the complexity of your reports to your audience. You also want to make sure that your solution provides you with plenty of visual charts and graphs. This helps to visualize performance for easier and faster decisions.


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