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Prevent delivery app outages: The restaurant operator’s guide

Delivery downtime. Going offline. Pauses.
Whatever you call your stores being turned off in DoorDash, GrubHub, and Uber Eats—It’s happening to YOU and it’s hurting your bottom line! Worse yet? Every minute of downtime means missed sales and lost customers—And it’s costing you more dough than you might think.

Inside the guide you’ll learn:
• What’s causing your stores to “turn off” in DoorDash, GrubHub, and Uber Eats
• The true impact of downtime on your delivery profits and overall operations

• Four actionable strategies to keep your stores online and get them back online 

Learn how to keep your stores online + maximize delivery profits


Your complete guide to keeping stores online


Learn why your stores are
going offline
A mystery to many restaurant operators, learn the four reasons your restaurants can go “off” on delivery apps.

Maximize off-premises
profits fast

Delivery margins are slim with mark-ups and mishaps – Use this guide to help keep your stores online and increase $$$.

Get actionable advice on keeping stores online
Get four things you can do to stay online and/or get stores back online as fast as possible to protect your profits.